Attendance and Absence
Having excellent attendance at school really does matter and, at Exwick Heights, we consider good attendance to be 97% and above.
There is overwhelming evidence to show that good attendance is one of the most important factors in securing a child’s sustained academic success. However, good attendance offers a child so much more than this. Attending school every day enables a child to:
- Maintain friendships and develop new ones;
- Have full access to enrichment opportunities which will positively shape understanding of the world;
- Participate in extra-curricular clubs;
- Develop key transferrable skills such as organisation and punctuality.
We ask that our families work towards 97% attendance which is no more than 7 days of absence a year. This will support our pupils to achieve the expected standard for their age and will also support their social development. Where a child’s attendance dips, we will reach out to see how we can support. A referral to the Attendance Engagement Service (AES) may be made should a child’s attendance fall to below 92%.
Reporting Absence and Illness
If a pupil is absent from school, it is essential that parents/ carers contact the school before 9:00am on the absence line 01392 209030, the MCAS app or by email Parents/carers need to contact the school for each day a child is off even if it is for the same period of absence. If no absence is explained, the school will ring you and the emergency contacts we hold for the child.
It can sometimes be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they are unwell. Please review the government’s ‘Is my child too ill for school’ guidance when unsure. Sometimes, children feel under the weather: they are perhaps not feeling their best but are well enough to come into school. Where this is the case, please let us know. We can give your child calpol if you have given advanced permission here and our class teachers can keep a close eye and let you know if we have any concerns.
Absence Requests – Medical Appointments, Holidays and Exceptional Circumstances
For all absence requests, parents and carers must complete an S2 form in advance. This form can be found below, or paper copies can be sought from the front office. These can be handed back to the front office or emailed to
Medical Appointments: We ask that all non-emergency medical appointments, such as routine dental checks, are booked outside of school hours so that your child’s learning is not disrupted. If your child has an unavoidable medical appointment, you must provide a letter or appointment card along with the S2 absence request form.
Family Holidays: Under the Education Regulations 2013, no requests for family holidays during term time can be authorised by the Headteacher.
Exceptional Circumstances: In exceptional circumstances, and where permission is sought in advance, a leave of absence may be authorised.