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Our Trust of Schools

Extra-Curricular Clubs

At Exwick Heights Primary School, the warmth, friendship and laughter that characterises our school continues beyond home time.

We offer an extensive range of extra-curricular activities every night of the week. These clubs are open to all and offer children regular opportunities to try something new or take part in an activity they may not otherwise be able to try. Extra-curricular clubs are delivered by members of Exwick Heights Primary School, as well as by range of external providers. Our broad extra-curricular offer changes on a termly basis and we aim to ensure that every child gets to participate.

Many of our clubs have ‘Magical Moments’. This might include children performing to parents and carers, entering a competition, welcoming a special guest or even taking a trip! Recently, some Magical Moments have included:

  • Year 5 & 6 Book Club had a Q&A with two authors. They spoke with Berlie Doherty who wrote 'Street Child' and Alex Cotter, author of ‘The House on the Edge’!
  • Key Stage Two Musical Theatre club performed songs from Annie for parents and the whole school in assembly.
  • Year 3 & 4 Art Club entered the Young Artist's Summer Competition run by the Royal Academy of Arts.
  • Our Multi-Sports club visited Exeter Trampoline Academy!

Please click below to see the extra-curricular clubs available this term.